Working Pattern Roster Shifts

Summary: Companies are now able to see the shifts for employees who have Auto-Fill Roster with the Hours switched on in Contract Details far into the future and will have the ability to edit/delete those shifts if required. For employees who have Auto-Fill Roster with the Hours switched on in system details when they are on a roster there will be an additional step for publishing the roster.


  1. Go to Roster

  2. Review “virtual shifts”

  3. If happy with these, click Approve Autofill

  4. A warning modal will appear asking if you wish to proceed noting the action cannot be undone

  5. If happy to proceed, click Submit and those shifts will be ready to publish

  6. A roster cannot be published until these shifts have been approved, saved or deleted

  7. Where a roster contains no employees who have Auto-Fill Roster with the Hours switched on in Contract Details, then there will be no additional step to publish the Roster. The button Approve Autofill will appear greyed out.