Within HR Content Hub you can create forms
Go to HR Content Hub, select Forms
Click Create New +
Create a Title
On the right hand side, there are 9 fields that you can select from to populate your form e.g if you want a question to return a date, choose the Date Field Type
Below fields are Linked Fields - if you choose to input a linked field into the form and the employee completes the form, this outcome will populate back into the employee's profile
If you want a drop down list as an option for a field choose Select and populate the field with your list options
Text allows the form creator to type open text
Sign if you ask the employee to sign, the form cannot be submitted without an employee signature
Click Save to save your form
Form Title allows you to save the form with a title of your choice
Category is optional, this allows you to to save the form with a category of choice
You can decide if this should be a Self-Serve Form on the dashboard [This means the employee can fill in the form without it being sent to them by a manager. If a self-serve form - you can decide if it should be for ‘Managers Only’ - this means the manager can fill it in from the dashboard on behalf of an employee]
Default Recipient: You can decide what manager the completed form should be sent to
Click Submit
Detailed Guide
Linked Fields - if you choose to input a linked field to the form and the employee completes the form, this outcome will populate back into the employees profile.
E.g if you link bank name, bank address, Account number (bank) and the employee completes this, the information will populate the employees profile when they Submit the form.
If you click on the green settings cog beside each field box, you can decide if the field box should be Half-Width or Full-Width and also decide if the response is required or not. If not required, this means the form can be submitted without an answer inputted.
- Input: If you click Input, this will create a field that you can label and the employee can input/type an answer.
- Text: this allows you to type a question and the employee can fill in an answer.
- Para: this allows you to type a question and the employee can fill in a longer answer than text.
- Date: You can ask a question and the answer can return a date.
- Time: You can ask a question and the answer can return a time.
- Select: You can ask a question and the answer can be a selection option e.g. apple, orange, banana.
- Toggle: You can ask a question and the answer can be toggled on/off. E.g. yes/ no
- Slider: You can ask a question and the answer can be a slider. E.g. Very good, good, average, poor, very poor
- Check Box: You can ask a question and the answer can be checked or not.